neha kandpal


Skill iconPython
Skill iconJava
Skill iconJavaScript
Skill iconC++
Skill iconC

Lucknow, India

I am good at Python related Web Based Projects, mainly in Flask. I am also familiar with front-end and backend development frameworks too. I can also play with some javascript and jquery codes. Now a days I am working on Data Science Projects which is very exciting as i get to know now how a piece of data is useful in extracting so much information.

Solving the real life problems using technology drives me thats why i try to take part in hackathons because there we get to use our brains in some real life problem and use technology to get a solution out of it.

One of the most complex project i have worked on is The Smart Trolley Project where we made a trolley in which billing and purchase can be done while shopping only. Our aim was to build a smart trolley which has technological features which take care of the information of all the items placed inside, keeping updated the customer of the estimated price of the then kept products. Also, the headache for standing in long queues is lowered to a large extent since it can be easily interfaced for verification and bill print out at the billing counter.The trolley was integrated with a camera and Raspberry pi, which was wirelessly connected to the central server of the mall which contains the database of the all the products available inside the mall. The trolley-server can be visualised as a client-server model. When we put any item inside the cart, it will detect the motion of the object with PIR sensor, i.e.,either we are putting the object inside the cart or we are removing it from the cart. Each object will have a QR code on the packaging(since QR is cheap, easy to print and faster to read). The camera connected to the Raspberry pi will read the QR code. Raspberry PI shall request the server for the price of the item placed inside the cart, server will return its price and then the price will be added to the previous amount and displayed SMART TROLLEY 3 on the display screen on the trolley.When customer puts item inside the trolley thenWeight sensor will calculate item’s weight and weight sensor connected with the Raspberry pi so data will send to server.If a customer puts any item inside the cart without scanning the QR code, Trolley will notify the customer.

I worked with many hardware and software Technology while working with this project. Incorporating database model with it gave me exposure to that also. So, it was a very interesting and helpful project for me.

I should be selected as i always try to work on different technologies and explore. I have done many projects in different hackathons and this would a good platform for me with other Women to explore something new to build and make it worth.