
Charmee Mehta

The human brain is a crazy place,and there are two things that fascinate me most about development in IT. First: the concept of programming and the proper flow it needs to follow. And second: logical thinking which tags alongs with it.
Full stack development calls to all my passions;it incorporates creativity as well as problem solving.
I am passionate about blockchain development and the potential it unlocks.Through my research papers,internships and projects, I have strived to build solutions that help society. So far I have Solidity, MongoDB, ReactJS, AJAX, ExpressJS, Bootstrap and Git/GitHub under my belt. I've started learning Python and Django. I am still enthusiastically grabbing onto any other programming languages, frameworks, or principles I can integrate into the coding web in my head.



An ML-based app for mental health with chatbotMachine Learning, Dart, Python, Jupyter, Flutter, Dialogflow, Convolutional neural network (CNN)

Automatic Image Enhancer

Make your image look the best it canNode.js, Deep Learning, Python, Object Detection, Express.js, TypeScript, MongoDB, mongoose


Make your Img perfectHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flask, TensorFlow, OpenCV, Python, TypeScript, PIL


Completely decentralized blockchain based music streaming applicationSolidity, MetaMask, Ganache, React.js, Truffle Suite, web3 storage


An e-voting system using BlockchainSolidity, Node.js, MetaMask, JavaScript, Next.js, npm, AJAX, CSS3, MongoDB, Semantic UI React


An initiative to mentor startupsBootstrap, React, JavaScript, npm, JSON, CSS3, Express.js, MongoDB, Particle.js, Semantic UI React


An E-commerce websitePHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript


Static WebsiteHTML, CSS, JavaScript

Dynamic Website

Stay FitHTML, CSS, JavaScript, ASP.NET, .NET, C#


Online Career Guidance and Exam PreparationNode.js, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, Express.js, React.js, VueJS, HTML5​, Bootstrap​


Software Engineering
Web Technology
Android Developement


  • Chrysoprase Multimedia and Services Pvt. Ltd. - Web Developer
    May 2018 - June 2018

    Developed the online subscription software for company magazine singlehandedly using technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP and SQL.
    Efficiently linked the SQL database to the remote server of the company website.
    Responsible for well-planned email-reminders for active subscribers.

  • Artelier The Gallery - Web Developer
    November 2018 - December 2018

    Responsible for building company website from scratch using technologies like JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS and REST API.
    Supported data management and maintained the uploads and downloads.
    Assist in updating application development policies to ensure that all future applications meet the latest technical requirements.