
Chandrika Geddada

I am Chandrika Geddada, from Hyderabad, Telangana. I am pursuing my B Tech 3rd year, ECE from NIT Raipur. I am a student interested in electronics and robotics. I have made up to 20 small projects on Arduino Uno, and 3 medium size projects, using Arduino, esp32 wifi module, and many more sensors. I learned about artificial neural networks from a machine learning on hardware workshop conducted by NIT Trichy. And also participated in a Hackathon and in the VigyaanNational Science exhibition conducted by NIT Raipur.



Curing by PreventingDjango, Next.js, Git, GitHub, PostgreSQL, Arduino, Tailwind CSS, Django rest framework


Smart Street Light Infrastructure Management SystemReact, Django, Arduino Uno, Arduino IDE, ESP-32 WiFi Module, Current Sensor(ACS712), LDR Sensor


Object-oriented Programming
IoT and Arduino Programming
C programming