
Chelsea Lee

Aspiring to be an out-of-box product manager/analyst in the IT industry, qualified with multi-lingual communications and experience in building a product from zero to one.



Duckee is the platform for creators where you can discover, create and monetize AI artworks/prompts based on Duckee's derivable NFT generation system.Kotlin, TypeScript, jetpack compose, Hilt, coil, Cadence, AWS Serverless, Android Navigation Component, OrbitMVI, Firebase / OKHttp / Jetpack DataStore / Protocol Buffer


Namedrop for Web3: The new way to remember someone IRLSwiftUI, Cadence, Secure Enclave, Cryptokit, FCL Swift SDK, Wi-Fi Direct / BLE, Account Linking, Nearby Interaction, Face ID, PassKey


Product Management
Data Analysis
Project Mangement
UX researcher
product analysis