
Carter Rojas

Essays on Electricity: From Physics to Your Electricity Bill

Do you think that an essay on electricity is just another boring assignment on Physics? Well, it is not exactly so, because you can view the topic of electricity from several different perspectives.

According to the scientists from the site, even if you have to complete the essay on electricity from a pure physical point of view, it does not mean that your work will be boring. Is it not exciting to investigate how those protons, electrons, and neutrons work, how they cooperate with each other?

Anyway, we are glad to present you more details and topic ideas for an excellent essay on electricity.

History of electricity

It is a really interesting issue to investigate when preparing the essay on electricity, because even ancient people had some elementary knowledge of electricity. For instance, people knew about shocks that an electric fish caused.

Provide more details in your essay on electricity about various discoveries made in 18th -19th centuries. This is when Benjamin Franklin conducted his research, Andre-Marie Ampere, Michael Faraday, and others made their findings.

Methods of generating electricity

This is a current issue for you to touch upon in the essay on electricity. The focus of such essays on electricity will be alternative methods of generating electricity: wind energy, solar and hydroelectric power.

Saving electricity

Maybe, it is not a problem for you, but when you will have your own house, you will definitely think how to save electricity and reduce your bills. You may carry out an “investigation” when working on the essay on electricity. Think of some simple rules that one should follow to save electricity.

See, there are many options for writing essays on electricity. Therefore, it is better to ask a teacher what he/she expects.

Essays on Sexual Harassment: How to Protect Yourself

Very often, the problem of sexual harassment is associated with a workplace, but the problem is also common for an academic environment. The thing is that a lot of schools just do not want to admit that the problem really exists and many cases go unreported. Find the Best Essay Writing Service Based On Real Customer Reviews: subreddit EssayScammers.

Since anybody can be a victim of sexual harassment and since you are a student, we suggest you devote your essay on sexual harassment to this problem in schools.

These are several pointers for writing papers on sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment essays: pointer #1

First, you need to define sexual harassment, because some people think it boils down only to actual sexual abuse or assault. Explain in your essay on sexual harassment that the following actions also refer to sexual harassment:

grabbing, touching different parts of the body;

receiving sexual pictures, notes;

being a target of sexual rumors;

being a target of inappropriate sexual gestures, propositions, etc.

Tell about the effects of such behavior. In school, it is the decrease of a student’s performance. In the workplace, sexual harassment leads to the decrease of productivity, conflicts in a team, etc.

Sexual harassment essays: pointer # 2

Sexual harassment is illegal, and you may refer to some laws in the essay on sexual harassment. Try the following:

The Civil Rights Act, Title VII;

Education Amendments of 1972, Title IX;

Various guidelines of EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission).

Sexual harassment essays: pointer # 3

Finally, explain in your essay on sexual harassment how a person can protect oneself from inappropriate behavior. Do not forget that you are giving recommendations to students. First, tell how a victim can try to manage the situation independently, then with the help of school authorities.

Essays on being late: how to develop

Now, you can discuss reasons for being late. So, why do some people tend to be late regularly? What excuses do they usually have? Are there some scientific explanations of this phenomenon? Give answers in your essay on being late.

Essays on being late: how to finish

Finally, you can discuss how to manage this problem. Introduce some basic principles of time management. Give your own recommendations in the essay on being late. Probably, you had a similar problem but you got rid of it.

There is one more advice we want to give you. Do not forget about the deadline for submitting your essay on being late!


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