
William Sterling

A UX Designer, using Human Centered Design and passion as my super powers. As a UX Strategist, I am well versed in solving problems with blockchain. My greatest strength is seeing the future of technology and solutions to our toughest problems. My greatest weakness is writing Ethereum contracts (not really a dev). Therefore, I partner with amazing people to #BUIDL things.

For my day job, I design for the injured worker experience at Pinnacol Assurance, a workers' comp company. As a hacker, I manage front end styling using any framework.

I'm passionate about projects that influence societal good, influence communal thinking, and make a better world and environment. Green, renewable energy, healthcare, and aerospace are my major interests.

This year, I'm partnering once again with Alex Gardner for team "Wolf Pack". Winners of last year's UX "Best Onboarding" bounty. Alex and I have formed to continue our endeavors to create social impact.



For the groupie in all of us. Collect your memories as if you were still front-seat at the show.Solidity, React, OpenZeppelin, Figma, Ganache, web3.js, Truffle Suite


User Experience


  • Pinnacol Assurance - UX Designer

    Implemented Human Centered Design standard and testing procedures company wide
    Redesign of legacy enterprise applications and new product offerings
    SASS, Angular(2-4), HAML, Agile, Material Design, inVision, Sketch, Axure, Storybook
    UI Developer for front-end, responsive styling (React, Angular)
    Product Designer for Injured Worker experience.

  • Bankrate Insurance - UX Designer
    May 2014 - January 2016

    UX Designer for $70 Million+ B2B application for national insurance carriers and agents
    HTML, CSS, javascript, jQuery, PHP, Agile environment
    Wireframing, prototyping, responsive & mobile design
    New product integration with over 200% yearly growth
    Creative leadership, product envisioning and mentoring of graphic designers