
Ben Hooper


My name is Ben and I'm a senior blockchain engineer based out of Brisbane, Australia. I'm applying to ZK Hack Montreal because I am currently trying to get to as many hackathons as I can to better my ZK programming skills.

Over the last few months, I've done a number of ZK projects in hackathons, including:

  1. Lisan - lets you prove events happened on other chains by using a ZKP of block state (relayed by LayerZero)

  2. Roman Kyoto - multi asset shield pool:

  3. zk0fficer - lets you verify you have a public record somewhere, but without revealing any details about it:

For this hackathon, I'd like to build something with noir and a zk coprocessor, maybe even rewrite Roman Kyoto using noir (it's currently circom).

I'd also like to try ZKPs on bitcoin to investigate how feasible it really is.



We built a novel interchain bridging solution powered by Eigenlayer to address liquidity fragmentation, that allows successful cross chain token transfer in less than 12 seconds.Solidity, React, MetaMask, Python, TypeScript, Node, Polygon, Optimism, Mantle, eigenlayer