I have a good understanding of Blockchain. I have built a few projects using the Ethereum platform. I am still learning and growing. I have been in many hackathons where I learned a lot. I won a few Hackathons as well. I work on the MEAN stack. I have a pretty good understanding of web development. Even as a working professional, I still give time to my self-learning and try to build something.
De-Chainbook enable buyers and sellers to engage with one another for the buying and selling of eBooks. The payment is done via cryptocurrency and login is enabled through web3Auth, and the books areSolidity, IPFS, Infura, MongoDB, Ethereum, Nodejs, reactjs, Truffle Suite, Filecoin, RemixIDEFlow Mentor
"Unlock Your Potential, Embrace Mentorship - Where Learning and Guidance Flourish"IPFS, MongoDB, Nodejs, nextjs, Chakra-UI, ThirdWeb, Cadence, Flow blockchainWeb3Mentor
"Unleash Your Potential, Embrace Mentorship - A Place to Nurture Growth and Seek Guidance"Solidity, MongoDB, Ethereum, Remix (IDE), Nodejs, reactjs, Hardhat, IPFS / FilecoinSkills
Ethereum Virtual Machine
Node Js