I am a pre-final year student pursuing Information Technology at BIT Mesra, Ranchi. I'll be interning at Microsoft next Summer as a Software Engineer.
Technology has always got me excited. I'm currently into Blockchain and I have experience in Machine Learning, Web Development, Data Structures and Algorithms.
BloodShare: Blood Donation Initiative
SaveEarth: Monitoring Social Media for Disaster Alert
PlayFair: Hack for Online Trivia Games
HelloWorld: An Online Chat WebApp
ExpressWeb: Blogging website
Hackathons would be perfect place to meet great people and learn. I've participated and have grabbed top positions in hackathons: Jharkhand StartUp Hackathon, Microsoft Codefundo and RUN IO Hackathon to name a few. Apart from Development, I am a passionate Quizzer. I was the national champions of TCS IT Wiz 2015, a nationwide IT Quiz.
Lately I've been reading about Blockchain and Deep Learning.