
Ayati Sonkar

As a third-year student, I am actively pursuing the development of my skills in web development projects. My previous experience includes working on projects involving Android application development and Machine Learning.
Recognizing the importance of diversifying my skill set, I am now focusing on expanding my expertise in web development. This transition entails delving into the intricacies of web technologies and frameworks to complement my existing knowledge. By immersing myself in this domain, I aim to broaden my scope of capabilities and contribute effectively to web-based projects.


MaskD-Face mask Detection

The basic aim of the project is to detect the presence of a face mask on human faces on live streaming video as well as on images.TensorFlow, Keras, NumPy, OpenCV, imutils, Mobilenet


I have contributed to the project named Algorithms.As the name suggests, I worked on the algorithm named Z Algorithm which helps in pattern-matching problems.Java, C++, Python, C


A Digital Third Eye Assistance For the Blind peopleJava, Android Studio, XML, OCR, Google Translate API, Google Teachable Machine, tensorflow lite


"Justice secured:Empowering Fairness in Pioneering Transparency."Solidity, IPFS, React, MetaMask, Infura, Web3, Ethereum, Hardhat


Java Swing
MySQL basic