
Atharva Bhoite

A tech enthusiast having a firm grip on various programming languages like Java, Python, C and web development, libraries like ReactJS and NextJS. Experience of being an SE Technical Officer in a Non-profit Organization. A second-year student pursuing B.E ( Bachelor of Engineering) - Information Technology in Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology, Mumbai.


Demeter - The Farming Assistant

Demeter is a software application that helps farmers manage and optimize their agricultural operations.Next.js, Flask, TensorFlow, PyTorch, scikit-learn, pandas, Anaconda, Jupyter Notebook, Tailwind CSS, React.js

Audio Notes

Our application converts video/youtube video into audio and then allows the user to play/pause/rewind the audio and add comments to the timestamps and edit/delete accordingly and then share project.Node.js, Next.js, Git, FFmpeg, Express.js, MongoDB, Multer, axios, Tailwind CSS, React.js


This application aims to combat cyber sexual harassment and bullying by providing users with tools to report and block abusive behavior, as well as educating them on how to stay safe online.Node.js, Next.js, Flask, MongoDB, OpenAi, Tailwind CSS, React.js, next-auth


Empowering Education: Where Intelligence Meets InnovationReact, Next.js, Flask, OpenAi, MongoDB Atlas, Vonage, langchain, LLM, neurelo


Empowering Education, One Token at a Time.Solidity, IPFS, Node.js, MetaMask, Ganache, web3.js, ERC721, React.js, Truffle, Huddle




  • SUDLIFE - Software Developer Intern
    February 2022 - Present

    Built and implemented logic for various policy validation
    Testing, managing and merging code.
    Implemented functions for violations in policies.

  • ISTE-VESIT - Junior Technical Officer
    December 2021 - Present

    Conducted Technical Workshops on Augmented Reality, Git - GitHub and ReactJs with 150+ attendees
    Designed prototype of a progressive web app for a college management system
    Developing the official website of ISTE-VESIT

  • QuestIT - Technical Team Member
    August 2022 - Present

    Developed the official website of QuestIT-VESIT
    Assisted in the conduction of Technical Workshops like Java.