
Samridhi Kapoor

Presently pursuing: B. Tech Information Technology (Third year) Delhi Technological University

Present Roles: Shortlisted as a mentee for web development(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap) in The Uplift Project by GirlScript Summer of Code(GSSoC)

**Technical Skills and Interests: **

Languages: C, C++
Web Technologies: HTML, JavaScript, CSS (presently learning)
Applications: MS Office
Other Interests:** To learn and understand the concepts of Machine Learning and try to find the math behind it.
:Like to play guitar and chess



Roger helps blind and mute people to communicate with the world.Next.js, Python, Tailwind CSS, CSS3​, HTML5​

Detector Surge

No Tumor Can Hide From Spy Surge EyesTensorFlow, NumPy, pandas, Deep Learning, Matplotlib, Google Colab, Python, GitHub, Keras CNN


Translations you can trustPHP, Flask, OpenCV, Java, Google Text-to-Speech API, Python, Google Translate API, Tesseract OCR, PyPDF2, HTML/CSS


Cultivating Innovative Ideas for GrowthHTML, CSS, JS, Flask, PyTorch, Python, Ml, DL, Frontend, Backend


Agromate One stop Solution for Landlords lending their Lands plus A full Fledged Agro Mart for Consumers to Get High quality and Nutritious Fresh Vegetables, Fruits Cereals and PulsesGoogle API, ResNet, Ml, Frontend, Bootstrap​


Cultivating Innovative Ideas for GrowthHTML, CSS, JS, Flask, PyTorch, Python, Ml, DL, Frontend

