Arpit Agrawal
Indore, India
Hey! I am Arpit Agrawal, a final year undergrad at SGSITS, Indore majoring in Information Technology. I recently started Shades of Code - A mentor mentee interaction platform for college and high school grads (www.shadesofcode.com). I am a Microsoft Student Partner and a lead of a technical community #include<>, SGSITS. Also, I am a sports addict.
E-logbook is really close to my heart. It is a smart city project aimed to develop a system for the Police Department to track the petrol usage and petrol theft for the department vehicles. It analyse the authenticity of employee using the travel history and Geo-fencing. Defaulter capturing and notification mechanism to alert concerned authority is another feature. Moreover, it has a web based dashboard to easily perform and handle various activities. The portal is developed using Django and Firebase Real-time database is used for storing the data.
PS : Python and Coffee keeps me awake!