
Arpan Banerjee

I have been passionate about coding since I first learnt about it back in high school. What drives me is learning something new every day and the wide variety of applications and things that can be build by simple lines of code. Since then, I have done many personal projects along with friends and also participated in several hackathons including InOut 3.0. I was unable to attend the previous year due to clashes with exams, but am geared up to attend and make something amazing this year again. One of the biggest projects I've worked on was a book sharing platform called LendIt we built at InOut 3.0 which we took forward to implement in our college and also entered a start-up competition with it. I feel InOut is a great national stage, and most of the other hackathons I have participated in are at a college level. This is a much larger stage and I want to prove myself and see where I stand. We came in the top 7 the last time I attended, looking forward to securing a win this time :)



A complete Educational Package to make textual learning interesting and easy.Bootstrap, Django, moviepy




  • Morgan Stanley - Intern