I am Arka, a Pre-final yearite majoring in Electronics and Communication Engineering at IIT Guwahati.
Co-Founder and CPO of UNSNARL
I have explored Web Development, Machine Learning, and Consulting.
Presently working on Blockchain Development. I wish to further explore the vast space of opportunities of Web 3.0.
My skills include HTML, CSS, Javascript, ReactJS, NodeJS, Solidity, and Python. In my free time, I like to play chess.
Join our community - https://discord.gg/YJ45zD2zMJ
World’s First Decentralised Hub of Proactive Audit War RoomsFirebase, Next.js, TypeScript, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Tailwind CSSPro NFT League
Play and Earn by leveraging your cricket knowledge.Solidity, IPFS, MERN stack, pinata, Bootstrap, Rainbow KitPro NFT League
Pro NFT League is a P2E plaform where we open endless doors to cricket fans to earn a passive income leveraging their passion for cricket.Solidity, IPFS, Bootstrap, React, Node.js, MongoDB, pinata, Hardhat, ether.js, RainbowKitCrypto Hunter
Developed a fully responsive Web application using HTML-CSS-Javascript and ReactJs & Material-UI Libraries.JavaScript, Material-UI, HTML/CSS, reactjs• Talk-A-Tive
A chatting app built using ReactJS, NodeJS on top of Chakra-UI and Socket.IO to send real time notifications.Node.js, Socket.IO, React.jsKcrypt
Enables users to send ethereum through the blockchain network through interaction with smart contracts.Solidity, React, Tailwind CSSBISWAS
Borrowing Dapp that harnesses the power of Web3 to lock in collateral and take loan in form of stablecoins.Solidity, JavaScript, ethers.js, Chainlink, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, HardhatInstaDapp
Full Stack Image-sharing DappSolidity, IPFS, React.js, BootstrapSkills
- Polygon - Fellow
June 2022 - Present
Selected as one of the 25 students for Polygon Technology Fellowship Class of 2022.
- Zuri Team - Blockchain and Web3 Technologies Trainee
February 2022 - April 2022
Deployed smart contracts on Etherium testnet and worked with ERC20 and ERC721 tokens to mint NFTs.
Built real world projects - Decentralised Staking App, Token Vendor App and Mining Nfts App using scaffold-eth.
- AgriVision4U - Consulting and Analytics Intern
February 2022 - April 2022
Did competitive analysis of over 15 agri-tech startups ; Worked with the core team on marketing, product developement, growth & strategy for their new business segment