
Arihant Tonage

I am a Flutter Enthusiast, currently in my COMPS 3rd year at TSEC. I have worked on:

  1. mytasks: A Flutter tasks app that supports theme switching and the data is stored on the android device using Hive NoSQL database.
  2. calfit: A Flutter calories tracker app with an exercise feature. It supports saving the calorie data to the database and it uses a NLP-based API to make calorie intake calls to the API in simple English language.
  3. quiznos: A simple quiz app made with Flutter; this was a task in Dev's club membership drive at TSEC.
  4. FlashChat: A chat app made using Flutter and Firebase.

The thought of building something as you go is what drives me.



Bartlo pe baat loFirebase, Flutter


Hive NoSQL