Student of NIT DURGAPUR. Currently studying computer science.
A buddy to find you blood donorsMERN stackContractio
A single platform for all the government contracts from bidding to deploying.Solidity, MetaMask, Web3, Ethereum, Blockchain, Ganache, React Router, React.js, Truffle SuiteSOLIBANK
A decentralized and secure modern-day banking platformSolidity, MetaMask, Ethereum, Ganache, React Router, Smart Contracts, React.js, Truffle SuiteContractio
A single platform for all the government contracts from bidding to deploying.Solidity, MetaMask, Web3, Ethereum, Blockchain, Ganache, React Router, React.js, Truffle SuiteContractio
A single platform for all the government contracts from bidding to deploying.Solidity, MetaMask, Web3, Ethereum, Blockchain, Ganache, React Router, React.js, Truffle SuiteContractio
A single platform for all the government contracts from bidding to deploying.Solidity, MetaMask, Web3, Ethereum, Blockchain, Ganache, React Router, React.js, Truffle SuiteSkills