
Aradhya Sakalley

I am an App-Development enthusiast with experience in development in ** React-Native **as well as **Flutter **, i also have experience with frontend web development along with basic competitive programming skills

My projects include :
1) A recipe app using react-native
An application that will fetch and show data from the api about various recipes randomly as well as based on the cuisines selected , users can also search for recipes based on keywords , it also included user authentication using firebase along witj google sign-in feature

2)Firebase authentication using flutter
An application made to authenticate users based on their email while logging in as well as creating accounts and storing them using asynchronus storage

3) A simple Todo List app
an application that can be used to create and delete tasks to understand concepts like passing props ,managing states and to create good frontends

i have experience with programming languages that include** c/c++**, **java **and **python **along with Javascript



Savings you cant resistMongoDB, react-native


Connecting Generous Souls with Hopeful Hearts for Lifesaving MiraclesReact, Node.js, Flask, Express.js, React Native, MongoDB, Tailwind CSS

Crowd Zero

Compare prices Across the internetReact, Selenium, Regex, FastAPI, nltk, bs4

Remy's Recipe App

A recipe app made using react-native as a part of the learning period at DJ unicode making use of Navigation, Form validations, Firebase Authentication , Google Sign-in along with API fetching.Firebase, JavaScript, Java, Kotlin, React Native, reactjs


Machine Learning
Android Developement