
Aparna Mittal

I am a 3rd year Computer Science Undergrad at MNNIT Allahabad. I love problem solving and I think I have been a problem solver since I was a kid. I am a Graphic Designer as well as a budding Well Developer (Django framework).



On demand Video Streaming ServiceDjango

Startup ki Duniya

A better way for StartupDart, Flutter

Berlin Checkers

Tired of checking up your phone for assignments? Or scrolling mindlessly on social media just to regret it later?Say no more. Play checkers with us or be a secret santa and invite your friends over!HTML, CSS, Django, JavaScript, WebSockets, Python, PostgreSQL, Django channels


Turn On your shop mode with your Fam ShopSquad provides experience of shopping with friends without actually being with them and at the same time user can virtually try on a product before buying it.Bootstrap, CSS, JavaScript, Anaconda, Website Frontend: HTML, Website Backend: Python Django Framework, Paypal API for payment, Web Socket (Django Channels), Model Backend: Python


Front end developer
C++ language