I am Ansh Goyal, student of USICT , New Delhi. I am MERN stack developer looking to get my foot in web3
Sampatti 1.0
Surety Of Security. Sampatti is one place where you can come make get your proof of ownership with this layer of decentralization.Solidity, React, Node.js, JavaScript, Three.JS, Livepeer, Hardhat, Arcana, IPFS / Filecoin, fvmShodh 1.0
Decentralized platform for publishing, community verification, and managing state for research papers.Solidity, IPFS, Node.js, MetaMask, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, Remix (IDE), React.js, PolygonBhoomi 1.0
It is a decentralized secure layer over the current real-estate ecosystem for buying land fractionally in the from of ERC-1155 NFTs from the rightful owner decided by the POO ( Proof of ownership).Solidity, IPFS, Node.js, MetaMask, ERC721, reactjs, Hardhat, Web3js, ERC1155, ThreeJSSkills