Hello, my name is K.N. Anantha nandanan. I'm 19 years old . My native place is Kollam,Kerala. I'm an opensource enthusiast .Currently pursuing my bachelors at Amrita School of Engineering.
I'm a full stack web developer, who is currently working on end-to-end development. I also like to do problem solving in codeforces.
I'm quite driven to do what I like and stay focused due to my hardworking mentality, I like to learn new thing may it be technical or non-technical.
I have done few starting project and builds,
This is a django project where the user can search for the current climate of any city he/she wants and display it as well as store it for future reference.
link to the weather_app
This is a web app where user can register as well as login using the login id and password.
link to login-regis app
This is a web app that uses graphql to get data from github using github-api to search and find the repo, username, websiteurl etc
link to github repofinder