I am a Machine Learning Enthusiast. I have strong knowledge of AI and its implementation.
I have a great knowledge of Python and different high end languages.I am also good at Web Development as well as i m UI UX designer.
I am also good at Team Management and I am always eager about Trending Technologies. I am also good at Cloud Computing Enthusiast.
Our Project consist of-
1. Connection of all the local nearby medical shops.
2.Disease,medicine prediction according to symptoms
3.Online efficient medical store.jQuery, Bootstrap, Node.js, JavaScript, Mapbox, HTML5, CSS3, MongoDBMedHub
A Platform which basically connects all the local medical shops near to the user and provides the details of medicines.jQuery, Node.js, Firebase, JavaScript, Machine Learning, Mapbox, HTML5, CSS3, MongoDBMEDHUB
A Platform which basically connects all the local medical shops near to the user and provides the details of medicines.jQuery, Node.js, Firebase, JavaScript, Mapbox, HTML5, CSS3, MongoDB