
Aman Srivastava


Skill iconPython
Skill iconTensorFlow
Skill iconC++
Skill iconCSS
Virtual Recognition

New Delhi, India

I am Aman Srivastava, student of HMRITM pursuing B.tech (CSE). Recently, I bagged third position at CFT Hackathon. I along with my team had developed A virtual recognition we named that MAYA which helps us to fight against our anxiety and stress.
I also worked on a PYTHON project on the theme of Smart Hospital and the topic was Doctor's Appointment System which I presented it in HMR IEEE Hackathon.
I along my team had also started a chapter of IRSC (Indian Road Safety Campaign) in my college and built a project which was a Crash Detection System.
We badgged 5th rank in IRSC.
I am good at web scrapping.
