
Aarav Dayal


Hello! I am Aarav Dayal, a 16 year old student at DPS RK Puram. I am currently studying in grade 11 and am a full-stack developer with expertise in both web2 and web3 technologies. I am resourceful, dependable, and self-motivated, and I enjoy collaborating with others in group projects. As a self-proclaimed network engineer and cyber security researcher, I am passionate about exploring and creating innovative solutions.


Second Runner Up at Nasa Space Apps 2023 NCR Region
Winner at CodeDay Delhi 2023
National Winner of Enigma Slash Cryptic Hunt organized by IIIT Delhi
Rank 30 (top 5%) in All India IIT Delhi Capture The Flag Competition
Second Prize Winner in the International Geek A Hertz Game Development Competition
Winner of Tinkerthon hackathon Byte.IT - Contributed transformative solutions to United Nations' SDG Goals
Secured ₹5,000 scholarship in junior science talent search exam (MVPP) in class 9
Active participant in numerous hackathons and competitions representing DPS RK Puram
Third position in Decagon hackathon for proposing blockchain nodes powered by solar panels
Created websites for various school projects and events, including the Practice Sudocrypt website and the official Exun clan website
Currently serving as the department head of four departments at Exun: Game Development, Cryptic Hunts, Hardware, and Web Development
Conducted workshops on blockchains and web3 within Exun


Enhanced SIM Architecture with RSA Keypairs

I have developed an innovative and secure solution for SIM technologies, addressing vulnerabilities such as SIM jacking, Stingray attacks, IMSI catching, and SIM cloning caused by insecure authentication methods like OTP-based verification. My proposal incorporates RSA keypairs in SIM cards to significantly enhance security and efficiency.

Uniquely Identified Phone Numbers: Instead of using traditional IMSI numbers and secret keys (KI) for authentication, my solution links phone numbers and SIM cards to unique RSA keypairs. This enables secure data transfers between devices, providers, and users, ensuring privacy and preventing attacks like Stingray attacks.
Cryptographically Secure Challenges: To prevent OTP sniffing, I replace OTP-based authentication with cryptographically secure challenges. SIM cards sign unique key/hash challenges provided by the network, verifying ownership securely without user intervention. This ensures quick and secure identity verification for online services.

LTZ-Chain - A Fast and Efficient Blockchain

I have also developed a Proof-Of-Work blockchain called 'LTZ-Chain' using Python. This blockchain stands out for its exceptional qualities, making it one of the world's fastest, most cost-effective, decentralized, energy-efficient, and reliable solutions.

Decentralized architecture ensures trust and security within the network.
Energy-efficient design minimizes environmental impact while maintaining top-tier performance.
Cost-effective solutions make it a practical choice for various applications.
Reliable and robust infrastructure ensures seamless and consistent operations.

The LTZ-Chain has gained significant recognition in the commercial sphere, with a Hyderabad-based corporate actively utilizing it for developing various end-use cases. Additionally, I have taken steps to file a provisional patent for the parallelization O-UTXO model, which greatly aids in scaling the blockchain's capabilities. Furthermore, I have obtained a copyright for LTZ-Chain on December 13, 2022, to protect my innovative work and contributions.

Efficient Compilers and Interpreters for Web3 Technologies

As a full-stack developer with a keen interest in web3 technologies, I have actively worked on creating efficient compilers and interpreters to optimize the execution of smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps).

One of my significant contributions includes developing "Vitality," a specialized compiler for my own blockchain project, LTZ-Chain. Vitality aims to streamline the execution of smart contracts on LTZ-Chain, making them faster and more resource-efficient. By optimizing the code compilation process, Vitality ensures that smart contracts on LTZ-Chain run with optimal speed and resource utilization, enhancing the overall performance of the blockchain.

Furthermore, I have even developed my own assembly language called VASM (Vitality Assembly), which is developed and designed for the specific needs of the LTZ-Chain. VASM enables low-level optimizations and direct control over the blockchain's resources, contributing to even greater efficiency and speed in executing smart contracts.

Aarav Dayal


Beneath Protocol

Decentralized, Interoperable, Backward compatible, E-Mailing protocolSolidity, React, Python, Arbitrum, Filecoin, PushProtocol, Scroll, BASE, zetachain, LighthouseStorage