
Alok Aditya

I'm familiar with programming languages such as Java, Python, C, C++, javascript, HTML, CSS, etc.

Learning big data and Hadoop as of now, iOS development is lined up with this.

I've worked on several projects based on computational thinking which requires skillful analogy and execution to get the job done.

Back in school I had participated in various science as well as tech events and have won many of them such as National childrens science Congress(NCSC), Jawaharlal Nehru National Science and Mathematics Exhibition(JNNSMEE), Children innovation fair(CIF) organised by Gujarat University start-up and entrepreneurship cell.

Each project and event has it's own story but the design thinking capability required is the same, which required computing knowledge to correlate materialistic science with AI and ML.



RFID commodity detection using IoT, smart data management, blockchain, AI & ML.Web3, Blockchain, Iot, Replit, Filecoin, haar cascade classifier for face detection, yolo algorithm


Artificial Intelligence
Quantum Machine Learning