I am a Computer Science enthusiast with interest in Frontend Development, Backend Development, Deep Learning, Qunatum Computing and Algorithms. I wish to learn a lot by doing as many projects as I can and explore as many areas of Computer Science as I can.
Algorithms expert and Competitive Programmer. Discussed and conducted exams on Competitive Programming and it's applications in various fields.
Improvement and maintaince of website www.easykarta.com for EasyKarta Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Developed the backend using Node.js and MySQL and Frontend using React.js. Also in charge of making the new version of website using React.js and Node.js. Core member of the startup Tech team.
Studnet Mentor for CoVed India. Helped students prepare for various competitive exams like JEE, NEET and others free of cost during the peak time of initial pandemic by clearing their doubts in various subjects and also helping them overcome the effects of pandemic.