
Vanshika Garg

Dedicated and skilled student with a strong passion for innovation and efficiency. Excels in dynamic settings, collaborating across teams to lead successful software projects. Grounded in software engineering principles and committed to continuous learning for delivering top-notch code that surpasses user expectations.


Animal Care Services

YOUR PETS HEALTH IS OUR ONE AND ONLY PRIORITY To give easy access for all the necessities of animals prior to hospital details,locations and medicine. Also pet food and caring techniques etc...HTML, CSS, JS, Canva

Dr. Tech

She Builts, She WinsJS, random forest, Mobilenet, Logistic Regression, VGG-16, VGG-19, SqueezeNet, InceptionV3 for leaf disease detection and decision trees, ML algorithms used to train models are CNN – ResNet 99, naïve bay

Health Visor

We take care for your healthReact, Node.js, Firebase, Flask, Docker, Python, Figma, Jupyter Notebook, HTML5​


Problem solving