Aditya is a third year electrical and electronics engineering student studying in National institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal. He was born in Andhra Pradesh (now Telangana) but grew up in New Delhi and currently resides in Bengaluru. He is currently the Media SIG Coordinator and Executive Member of Gadget SIG (Electronics Special Interest Group) of The Institute of Engineers, NITK Chapter and also an Executive Member of Technites Committee (Electronics based committee of Institute’s Tech-Fest). Aditya was a top 10 finalist in Fiction2Science Hackathon India 2019 conducted by Continental. He was also part of the organizing team and acted as Media Team Lead for the recently conducted Hackathon ‘HackVerse NITK’ which is currently the largest student organized hackathon in India. As a part of ExpertsHub’s IoT Internship Program in Chennai, Aditya’s project was awarded the Best Project Award among more than 90 interns.
He has worked on various projects related to Machine Learning, IoT, embedded systems for numerous real-world applications like driver safety, waste management, future mobility and electrical system optimization while working individually and also in teams involving students from various colleges from different parts of India.
Being part of Continental’s Fiction2Science Hackathon, he built a driver in-cabin behaviour monitoring system for detection of pre-crash symptoms for driver safety which mainly consisted of detection of symptoms for drowsiness, fatigue and prolonged distraction just using the dashboard camera.
As an IoT internship trainee and Project Team Lead at ExpertsHub internship program in Chennai he built a prototype for IoT based smart Garbage Van Tracking System involving various sensors and microcontrollers for garbage quality monitoring, sending the data to the cloud(Firebase) from which it can be accessed on an Android App developed using MIT App inventor. Also as an ML/AI Internship trainee at ExpertsHub, he built a Image Classification Model with CNN over Caltech 101 dataset along with a front end developed on tkinter with image capture using webcam for feeding it to the model.
Relating to ML, he had developed an ANN model for photovoltaic array fault detection and classification based on data generated by a MATLAB Simulink Model. In Technites Committee, he had built a 3-dimensional LED Cube consisting of 512 LEDs controlled by Arduino for display during Tech-Fest. Being an Executive Member of Gadget SIG, he is currently working and mentoring juniors on an IoT based project based on future mobility.
Having skills in Photoshop and as a Media Team Lead for HackVerse, he has been involved in creating various illustrations for the frontend of numerous platforms like the website, logos and designing various media content for the event including t-shirt, banners, posters etc and frame a general theme-based design throughout all the content. Also, as the Media SIG Coordinator , he has been involved in creating content for the frontend of few projects.
Built an ’Iot based Smart Garbage Van Tracking System’ working product prototype with real-time data collection along with a mobile application.
Led a team of 9 consisting of students from engineering colleges across South India to win the BEST PROJECT AWARD among various projects involving more than 90 interns.
Mentoring juniors in carrying out a electronics-based project for NITK’s annual project expo. Contributed to electronics based events conducted by the club.
Was responsible for all the media content of the club ranging from event posters to club t-shirt, coordinating with all the SIG members and other SIG coordinators for completion of tasks while maintaining quality
Designed the media content for India’s Largest Student Organized Hackathon.Coordinated with multiple team leaders regarding the media content for the technical, marketing and legal aspects.
Was a part of Project driven training program in Pune involving Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Deep Learning Tools and Techniques.
Built a GUI based application for recognizing any object from a picture taken from an interfaced camera based on the 101 categories in Caltech 101 dataset. Python's tkinter was used for the frontend.