Hello, I'm Aditya Mittal from The LNM institute of information and technology Jaipur an undergraduate student with majors in Computer science and engineering.
I love to create applications, I participate in many hackathons and won many of them.
Some of my achievements are-
Won Best daycation hacks mlh
Won 2nd prize in ToHacks
Won 3rd prize in Xhacks
Won best outdoor hacks by MLH
Won best use of cockroach db twice by MLH
An all-in-one health platformHTML, CSS, JS, Django, TensorFlow, Python, Auth0, CockRoachDB, Skikit-LearnPhotocode
We aim to empower hackers around the globe to run their code on a mobile device by writing it on paper and then clicking its picture.HTML, CSS, Django, JavaScript, Python, Tesseract OCRScanCure
Get your and your loved ones' health checked with a single tap on ScanCure.Next.js, TensorFlow, Machine Learning, Tailwind CSS, React.js, Google Teachable Machine, Solana, hederaSkills