
Aditya Johri

"Hello World"

This is Aditya Johri, a Junior Undergraduate at IIT Kanpur and Upcoming SDE Intern at Amazon
My work and goal revolve around harnessing technology to build products and solutions to various problems around the world.

I am a Software Developer with major experience in Full Stack development. I have more than 2 years of experience in MERN stack - React, Next, Node, express, Javascript and Typescript - Database - SQL(mysql and postgres) and NoSQL(MongoDB and DynamoDB) with ORMs like Prisma - experience with Python and Django, FastAPI. Worked with multiple API frameworks - REST, GraphQL, gRPC(tRPC), Web Sockets(TCP), Web Hooks and WebRTC(UDP). I have built multiple projects with advanced authentication, real time communication, Industry grade features and functionalities, Security considerations both in development and production Infra and Containerizing all, deploying on various Prod Infra on AWS( ECS with EC2 and Fargate, Lambda for serverless), currently learning basic Low Latency Programming using **C/C++ **and Rust
I have experience in Machine Learning and Deep Learning, experience with data preprocessing, working with various supervised unsupervised models, reinforcement learning and Neural networks( ANNs, CNNs and RNNs).

I have significant experience with Ethereum and Web3 and exposure to all components of full stack web3 application, I have worked with –
Ethereum and Solana Chains with Solidity and Rust respectively
IPFS and File Coin (FVM) for web3 storage and decentralized Frontend and Backend
• Major experience with L1 and L2 Scaling Solutions – Sidechains, Sharding, Rollups
• Worked with Polygon ecosystem – PoS, ZkEVM, Polygon ID
• Experience working with Scroll, ZkSync, Arbitrium, Mantle and Optimism as Rollups (**ZK and Optimistic respectively)
• Worked with Graph for indexing and querying Blockchain state
• Worked with multiple Node Providers – Infura, Quick Node, Alchemy
• Worked with Truffle and Hardhat as Ethereum Development Environment
I have exposure to multiple Web3 domains -
DeFi, DAO tooling, NFT tooling and Dev tooling.

I have been working in Web3 with focus on Scale and User experience to bring mass adoption of Web3.
Attended ETHIndia22 and won Biconomy Prize.

I have built multiple projects and also worked with team organizations to build WebApps.
Projects include -

  • Defi-Nexus - DeFi Nexus is a pioneering DeFi platform revolutionizing Lending, Governance, and P2P crypto swaps, eliminating centralized intermediaries like Banks, enhancing security, and empowering users within a self-regulating ecosystem.(Ongoing)
  • Industry grade E- commerce website
  • WeChat - RealTime chat and Voice/Video Calling Application.
  • Media streaming applications(Music and Movies) with ML Recommendation System.
  • RNN based Stock forecasting and prediction based on Research paper.
  • A full stack webapp for tiffin service(with subscription modal) in Cities
  • LSTM based Fake News Classification System
  • Vacation Rental Application
  • Online Stock Trading Brokerage Platform with Python-Django and Rust for Low Latency (Ongoing).
  • Websites for Techkriti'22 IIT Kanpur
  • Lottery Conduction Dapp
  • Built a web3 Dapp solution for a web2 based startup model of Crowdfunding for projects with promise of returns and ensuring security and transparency.
  • NFT Marketplace
  • A Web3 **Decentralized Freelancing **Platform.
  • Asset Tokenization
  • ETHIndia22 Developer Adda project

Technologies (Languages, frameworks, libraries, databases, clouds services, etc.) I am familiar with -

  • JavaScript (Typescript)
  • Python
  • Solidity
  • C/C++
  • Rust
  • Kotlin(Basic)
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Node
  • React.js
  • Express.js
  • Redux and Recoil
  • Next.js
  • Django
  • MongoDB and Mongoose
  • MySQL
  • Postgres
  • Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-learn
  • Tensorflow
  • Pytorch
  • Polygon
  • IPFS
  • Filecoin
  • Web3.js
  • Truffle
  • Mocha
  • Ganache
  • ChainLink
  • HardHat
  • Infura
  • FireBase
  • Kubernetes (beginner)
  • AWS - ECS, EKS, Lambda, CloudFormation, S3


Developer Adda(अड्डा) - One stop shop 4 Developers

Developer Adda(अड्डा) - One stop shop for all the Developers. Developers help each other and earn tokens which they use later to get into a paid learning platform. Dey play games and accumulate tokenHTML, JavaScript, , Polygon, Valist, Backend/Hosting platform – Solidity, Phaser Framework, Blockchains used – Ethereum, Front end – React JS

Decimal Bridges

Hardware secured bridgesSolidity, Next.js, Rust, Gnosis Safe, Anon Aadhaar, Secured Enclaves, Marlin Oyster

