
Aditya Morankar

Hobbyist Indie game developer, AI/ML, Tech enthusiast, Django Developer, Pre-Final Year E.C honor, and CSE minor Engineering Student. and prepared to contribute abilities to AI/ML/ data science and analytics role while further developing acquired skills and gaining real-world experience. Highly organized, responsible, and self-determined. Currently engaged in solving data science problems from Kaggle and integrating AI/ML automation in web development. also, interest in taking part in competitive coding (3-star CodeChef).


Learnzilla E-Learning Platform

It is an e-learning platform that makes it easy for learners and instructors to connect with one another. The main motto of the app is to provide Quality and hassle-free E-learning.Bootstrap, React, Django, REST API, Reactstrap

LearnZilla E-Learning Platform

It is an e-learning platform which makes it easy for learners and instructors to connect with one another. The main motto of the app is to provide Quality and hassle free E-learning.Bootstrap, React, REST API, Reactstrap, Python

Learnzilla E-Learning Platform

It is an e-learning platform that makes it easy for learners and instructors to connect with one another. The main motto of the app is to provide Quality and hassle-free E-learning.Bootstrap, React, Django, Reactstrap, Python, PostgreSQL

E Learning App

A React Native App to connect student and teacher on a single platformDjango, React Native, Material-UI, Django rest framework


An online tool which EmPowers Education with motto "education for all"Bootstrap, React, Node.js, Django, Socket.IO, Python, Express.js, Material-UI, SMTP, django-rest-framework


Machine Learning