
Adarsh Jaiswal

Hi I'm Adarsh and I am a Developer, Freelancer & a Content creator. I create content on Twitter and write some cool Blogs about trending tech and my experience. Also, I'm a Backend developer and i primarily work in Golang and NodeJS. I'm also a Stand Up comic by night, I like hanging out with pepole and bring my ideas to life.

Currently I'm a Second year student pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science at IES University, Bhopal, India.
I have built scalable and robust backend systems like Book My hotel & TollCraft. I'm Also a community evangelist currently leading the local CNCF Bhopal (Cloud native computing foundation), GDSC (Google Developers Club) chapter at my university with over 1K+ community members. I'm also the Ambassador at the NextArch foundation (which is the sub-foundation of The Linux Foundation).


Shodh - AI powered Funds Researcher

Watch profitable insights over mutual fundsscikit-learn, Machine Learning, Postman, Python, GitHub, Netlify, React.js, Replit

