
Abhay Kapoor

My name is Abhay Kapoor.
I'm a sophomore pursuing a B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering, at the National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur.
I have done Web development utilizing React.js, Next.js and Blockchain Development using solidity, as well as, researched and done various projects like dApps, NFT Marketplace, tokens like NFT and fungible tokens and deployed on the polygon and Ethereum chains. I am familiar with contract deployment tools like Hardhat, MetaMask, Alchemy, Infura, Pinata and used thirdweb in some projects.
I have taken part in several hackathons of Blockchain and Metaverse where I have done work on smart contracts and deployed NFT with different use cases like avatars and NFT galleries.
Over several projects, I have gained knowledge of the integration of unity, web and app with blockchain smart contracts and used the ether. Js and web3.Js libraries.
I'm eager to contribute to the open-source community and explore the infinite possibilities of web3, blockchain and smart contract Development.



Securely own your dream home with blockchain technologySolidity, IPFS, Unity, C#, Ethereum

