

I am an undergraduate student currently studying in 2nd year IIIT Allahabad in Information Technology branch.
I am a Machine Learning and Deep Learning enthusiastic and have been learning them since the past year.
I have solved few common problems using Machine Learning Algorithms. Also recently, I made a Real Time Face Mask Detector which is much needed in the Covid times which can be used as an application to check whether people are wearing masks or not. I have also built some other mini projects using CNN and OpenCV. I am currently learning NLP and RL.
Here's my Github profile:


Heart Defect Identifier

ECG Classification of Heart DisordersKeras, Java, Python, cnn


An instagram based book recommendation system named BookGram project made during Hackout'2020 using Django framework.CSS, Django, HTML5, Python

Real Time Face Mask Detector

Social Distancing with AIKeras, NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, sci-kit learn, Spyder & Jupyter Notebook(Anaconda Environment), Kaggle Notebook & Google Colab.

Kisan CropAllot

A crop management and recommendation system for the farmersFirebase, Dart, Python, Flutter, Figma, random forest, pickle, sklearn


Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Computer Vision