
Yash Upadhyay

I am passionate about research and applying theory to real-world problems. I am skilled at developing and deploying deep learning models. I have worked on several research-based computer vision and NLP projects. I am an active participant on kaggle and other data science competitions. I also have 3 papers published in journals and conferences

The most complicated problems I have taken on are detecting insincere questions on Quora and Pneumonia detection in X-ray images. I also worked on detecting epileptic seizures using EEG and many other projects. Detecting pneumonia was quite difficult as it was a question of both classification and localization which required the state of the art solutions for object detection.



A one-stop solution for parents of neurodivergent childrenHTML, CSS, Flask, REST API


Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Big data Analysis


  • Gamut Analytics - AI Content developer