
Varnit Sharma

I'm a MEAN stack developer with some good experience in handling real world problems and also having experience in developing industry level projects.
The smile on the people's faces drives me in solving real world problems through the technologies which I can use efficiently.
The most complex project I have worked was developing a Web application which will take inputs from the users and using the power of Artificial intelligence, solving various problems like converting speech to text, text to speech, language translation, syntax/grammar analysis etc. Where all this data was fetched from the python servers while I'm developing in nodejs.
The key learnings were that UX matters greatly in any application because the application should be flexible enough to handle every user actions but it should be rigid and tough enough so that users can't brake it. The ideas I build which solve real world problems are also backed with some great business models and all the ideas I create are efficient enough to fit the expectations of a diverse nation like India and also can handle the gigantic number of users from India.



Invest in crypto with realistic metrics.Solidity, React, MetaMask, Figma, Web3, Nodejs, Truffle Suite, CSS3​, 1inch




  • Pucho Web Solutions