
Unnikrishnan Menon

I can be encapsulated as an entity that converts caffeine into code.

A Robotics and Artificial Intelligence enthusiast who harbors a deep interest in the fields of Astrophysics and Mathematics.

Personal Projects

  1. Rubik's Cube Solver: Developed an algorithm in under 800 lines of C++ code that predicts that right set of moves to solve a scrambled Rubik's Cube.

  2. Path Prediction for Smart Vehicles: A Path Prediction Algorithm which forecasts future path taken using RNN-LSTMs and on top of that optimizes the predicted trajectory using Deep Q-Learning Algorithm.

  3. Riff-Raff (Patent Pending): Decimal (Negative/Positive,Unranged) Encryption for Unbreakable, Impenetrable Security.

  4. Self Learning Crawler: This bot combines the Q Learning algorithm with a robotic arm to come up with an optimum policy to move forward.

  5. AI development for various Atari games like Pacman, Nokia Snakes, Flappy Birds etc.

As a hobby, I write blogs on Astrophysics and Programming on Quora which apparently hundreds of thousands of people seem to appreciate. I got the coveted Quora Top Writer's quill for writing good quality technical content.



Aiding Teachers on online platforms to analyze Student InteractionPython, Tensorflow & Keras, Python - OpenCV


Raspberry Pi