Timothy Carter
I have 10 years of experience working in Project Management and Business Development. I have helped to raise millions of dollars to fight for and implement progressive environmental and public health policy in the state of Colorado.
I have a diverse skillset, making me well suited to a project management or development role. I am technologically inclined. I code mostly in python, but am familiar with solidity and GO as well. I have a strong working knowledge of decentralized technologies like blockchain , IPFS, etc. as well as knowledge of the differences to consider when selecting an ecosystem to build in. I have a certification in data science and machine learning and the ability to aide in but not lead the design , development, and deployment of a variety of machine learning applications in python. Additionally I have both the skills and experience in exploratory data analysis and data visualization.
I have background in managing logistics and planning for large scale operations involving anywhere between dozens, to hundreds of guests and staff. I'm a skilled communicator both interpersonally and in a public speaking context. I have successfully designed and executed the research and development of environmental monitoring methodologies in partnership with a diverse range of stakeholders including corporations, governments, and landowners. I've also helped to design and execute campaign strategies which have effectively changed public policy in Colorado over the past 10 years.
I want to find a solid team to collaborate with. I'm open to all kinds of ideas for the product or service we build, ranging from the fun, to the serious. My passions Include combating the global environmental crisis, exploring new social contracts and reward structures, ethics, accessibility, and transparency in the applications of AI, and a whole lot more. On a team I can run point on communications between a diverse set of stakeholders including developers, domain experts, and potential investors. While I can run point, I also back an excellent right hand, and am able to support my team members with research, and compelling data visualizations when needed.
I'd like to get involved with a team who wants to keep building after the conference but I'm open to seeing where things take us.