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A Fresh Way To Budget & InvestmentBootstrap, JavaScript, AJAX, Laravel, CSS3, HTML5HealthUp
Your health buddyJavaScript, Nodejs, CSS3, HTML5ROBOTEX
Robotex is a future insight website where you will be able to purchase multifeatured robots for your daily uses as well as for executive work.HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Vanilla JS, ParallaxSolWedding
A Blockchain-based Wedding Registry Platform.JavaScript, CSS3, Rust, TypeScript, HTML5, Solana, ArweaveDocEnsured
Ensure the security of your documents over the internetIPFS, JavaScript, Machine Learning, CSS3, Ethereum, Blockchain, React.js, HTML5edgeXGame
Token Gated Cloud Gaming providSolidity, MetaMask, JavaScript, ethers.js, reactjs, , PolygonZenPay
Zenpay aims to create a unique global RFID verification initiative. At its core, ZenPay aims to democratize payment and verification services, offering a secure, decentralized and stylish solution.Internet of Things (IoT), ethers.js, ESP32, Ethereum, React.js, polygonID, RFID/NFCSkills