Good in MATLAB
Good in solidworks
Good in c programming
Our smart inhaler is an device ,which is connected to the WiFi module to monitor the asthma patients. It will transfer the information to the doctor,how the health condition of the patients and theirIot based e health device, wireless device, connected with WiFi module.E-HEALTH DEVISED SMART INHALER
The proposed system monitors the patient’s health conditions, tracks the location and are used so as to provide suitable medication to the patients once reports are analyzed by physician involvedNodeMCU IoT, DOSE COUNTER, AIRVENTE - HEALTH DEVISED SMART INHALER
The proposed system monitors the patient’s health conditions, tracks the location and are used so as to provide suitable medication to the patients once reports are analyzed by the physician involvedAndroid Studio, DOSE COUNTER, AIRVENT, IOT NODE - MCU, TELEMEDICINE