
Suraj Mishra

I am a smart contract developer and it's been more than a year of learning Blockchain and web3, and in the last seven to eight months I started participating in various hackathons to learn more by creating.
currently learning more about how to write an optimized and secure the smart contract and also exploring the zero-knowledge technology in depth.


The Code Story

Learn coding in the old arcade style.Solidity, IPFS, MetaMask, JavaScript, pinata, remix, Canvas, Web3js, Polygon, Tiled


Decentralized Alternative Dispute Resolution PlatformInfura, Biconomy, Polygon, Filecoin, StackOS, Quicknode, Push Protocol, worldcoin, Lighthouse

Sampatti 1.0

Surety Of Security. Sampatti is one place where you can come make get your proof of ownership with this layer of decentralization.Solidity, React, Node.js, JavaScript, Three.JS, Livepeer, Hardhat, Arcana, IPFS / Filecoin, fvm

Shodh 1.0

Decentralized platform for publishing, community verification, and managing state for research papers.Solidity, IPFS, Node.js, MetaMask, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, Remix (IDE), React.js, Polygon

Bhoomi 1.0

It is a decentralized secure layer over the current real-estate ecosystem for buying land fractionally in the from of ERC-1155 NFTs from the rightful owner decided by the POO ( Proof of ownership).Solidity, IPFS, Node.js, MetaMask, ERC721, reactjs, Hardhat, Web3js, ERC1155, ThreeJS


Blockchain Development
Html Css Javascript Bootstrap