
Sridhar Iyer

  1. Network and ecosystem enabler across Blr since March 2022.
    Extremely good at collab and communication across different channels and bringing people together for knowledge share
  2. Worked with multiple protocols and companies over the past year in the web3 space
  3. Solid contacts in the web3 space for help and reaching out


M3 - Metaverse Museum Marketplace

M3 is a global metaverse marketplace and a platform-agnostic multi-chain platform that gives local artists a global reach in a growing, future-proof market.Unity, Python, Polygon


Metaverse Platform for Artists to Create AI ARTSolidity, Flask, Unity, Python, OpenAi, Web3, Ethereum, Brownie, dall-e

Vision Voice

Enhancing Accessibility through AI and Voice TechnologyJavaScript, Flask, Python, Chrome Extension




  • MetaXRE - Co-founder
    January 2023 - Present

    Metaverse platform for artists and musicians to sell their art in XR marketplace