
Snehil Patel

I am passionate about my work. Because I love what I do, I have a steady source of motivation that drives me to do my best. In my last job, this passion led me to challenge myself daily and learn new skills that helped me to do better work. For example, I taught myself how to use Photoshop to improve the quality of our photos and graphics. I soon became the go-to person for any design needs. I am ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself, so I have something to strive towards. I’m not comfortable with settling, and I’m always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness. I am highly organised. I always take notes, and I use a series of tools to help myself stay on top of deadlines. I like to keep a clean workspace and create a logical filing method so I’m always able to find what I need. I find this increases efficiency and also helps the rest of the team stay on track. I’m a people person. I love meeting new people and learning about their lives and their backgrounds. I can almost always find common ground with strangers, and I like making people feel comfortable in my presence. I’m a natural leader. I’ve eventually been promoted to a leadership role in almost every job because I like to help people. I find co-workers usually come to me with questions or concerns even when I’m not in a leadership role because if I don’t know the answer, I’ll at least point them in the right direction.


The Snake Game

When the first affordable mobile phone was launched, this was the first game inside the phone.C++, vs code


Create NFTs automatically when you post on Instagram with a hastag nft!Solidity, React, IFTTT, AWS Lambda, Hasura, Truffle, NFT.Storage

Talk to the BOT

A chatbot for health related issuesKeras, Python, NTLK, NLP

Talk to the BOT

Chatbot for General Health QueryKeras, Python, NTLK, NLP


Adobe Photoshop
Graph Theory
Chatbot Development