Sayed Mohammed Nouman


Sayed Mohammed Nouman


You know who I am

You know who I am

Skill iconPython
Skill iconJavaScript
Skill iconTypeScript
Skill iconReact.js

Mumbai, India

My name is Sayed Mohammed Nouman and I go by the alias of Skyhero. I am in my final year pursuing my bachelor's of engineering in Information Technology. I am a Full-stack web developer and am learning about web3 these days.


Extra curricular Projects:

  1. Skrypt-app
    • This web application is a global chat room where anyone can log in and chat with people around the world.
    • It requires the user to Login through their Metamask wallet.
    • It uses Tailwind CSS for styling.
    • This website was made using NextJs, ReactJs and uses for wallet authentication and also as a database.

  2. Skybot using
    • Built a discord bot to play Connect-4 with other members in the servers using the library.
    • Users can chose their own tokens by reacting to the message with their emoji of choice.
    • The bot also listens for trigger words and also uses zen quotes api when it gets triggered.

  3. Sky8-emu.js( A chip-8 emulator)
    • Built a Chip-8 emulator in javascript as a way to learn more about how emulators work.
    • Added an option to choose from multiple chip-8 roms online.

  4. FlowTime
    • A java swing application that me and my team was working on as a part of our Java curriculum.
    • It is a time management application which was made using Java libraries like Java Swing and AWT.
    • The database used was mariaDB with a Xampp server.