Sayed Mohammed Nouman
You know who I am
You know who I am
Mumbai, India
My name is Sayed Mohammed Nouman and I go by the alias of Skyhero. I am in my final year pursuing my bachelor's of engineering in Information Technology. I am a Full-stack web developer and am learning about web3 these days.
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Mumbai, MH
Project Intern Aug ’23 - Present
• Developed an IT inventory management system utilizing the LAMP stack to track IT assets, users, intents,
purchase orders, and invoices.
• Utilized the CodeIgniter4 framework in PHP for backend development and integrated Alpine.js for enhanced
frontend interaction.
• Designed and optimized the database schema for effective management of IT assets and related data, and dockerized the project for ease of testing and deployment.
TechNode Mumbai, MH
Web Development Intern May ’23 - Oct ’23
• Developed a monitoring dashboard for IoT gateway devices, enhancing real-time visibility of outputs.
• Revamped the frontend using Next.js and Tailwind CSS, integrating Jotai for efficient state management.
• Implemented customizable widgets like line graphs, gauge charts, and cards with variable parameters using
• Incorporated socket events for live data updates and alerts, enhancing user experience using Socket.io .
• Configured the production server which used Nginx to serve multiple services like the Frontend, Backend and Socket server.
Extra curricular Projects:
• This web application is a global chat room where anyone can log in and chat with people around the world.
• It requires the user to Login through their Metamask wallet.
• It uses Tailwind CSS for styling.
• This website was made using NextJs, ReactJs and uses Moralis.io for wallet authentication and also as a database.
Skybot using discord.py
• Built a discord bot to play Connect-4 with other members in the servers using the discord.py library.
• Users can chose their own tokens by reacting to the message with their emoji of choice.
• The bot also listens for trigger words and also uses zen quotes api when it gets triggered.
Sky8-emu.js( A chip-8 emulator)
• Built a Chip-8 emulator in javascript as a way to learn more about how emulators work.
• Added an option to choose from multiple chip-8 roms online.
• A java swing application that me and my team was working on as a part of our Java curriculum.
• It is a time management application which was made using Java libraries like Java Swing and AWT.
• The database used was mariaDB with a Xampp server.