
Sivasanjeevi S

I am passionate towards solving real-world problems through the concepts of computer science. I discovered my passion for coding through creating my first game in high school, a hand cricket game, coded completely in C++. My interests have since then taken a greater inclination towards developing game logics.

I have participated in not one, but two game jams. For the first one, Brackeys game jam, I created a shooting strategy game titled ‘Love is Blind’.

For the second one, Global Game Jam 2020 (GGJ 2020), I created a game titled ‘Repairing Humanity 101’, that was essentially a journey through a man’s conscience to eradicate social evils and at the same time maintain a balance of his karma.

I constantly seek to discover solutions to problems that excite me, and it is my belief that hackathons are the right outlet for this passion of mine.



The Really Awesome Solution to Holding Everyone's Rubbish (T.R.A.S.H.E.R), is an incentivized garbage disposal system that offers users reward for throwing garbage based on the amount of trash thrown.Node.js, Arduino Uno, Express.js, React Native, GSM, MongoDB, MapMyIndia

