Smart contract developer || UI/UX Designer || Frontend Developer || Technical Writer || Exploring Tezos blockchain
Stay Safe At Home.Shop From Our Platform. Help Families In Need By Donating With Our Ethereum System. Get Updates And Info On COVID-19Solidity, Bootstrap, React, CSS, Django, JavaScript, Next.js, Figma, Adobe Illustrator, EthereumVaxxDoc
Keep a record of your vaccination info with our secured blockchainFlask, Tezos, SmartPy, Pytezos, React.js, MongoDB​econet
A social networking site for promoting sustainable development by doing and encouraging the masses.
One task completed on econet is a step toward sustainable development.jQuery, HTML, Bootstrap, CSS, Django, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Tezos, SmartPy, PytezosContrify
Get notified about new contracts on the Tezos mainnet.Flask, Flutter, Figma, MongoDB, Microsoft Azure, Tezos, Firebase Cloud MessagingTzPing
Protocol that lets you communicate with your users base in a decentralised way.React, GraphQL, Redux, PostgreSQL, Taquito, Beacon SDK, DipDupRadiate Finance
Radiate finance is a real time money streaming protocol built on Tezos.React, GraphQL, Redux, Hasura, Taquito, DipDup, BeaconSDKVotechain
E-Voting system Secured by Blockchain and implemented on Website and
App too whichever seems comfortable to the user.HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flask, Android Studio, MySQL, PythonSkills
Sound Design
UI/UX Designing