
Shantanu Sakpal

Hello, I am a web developer by passion and a problem solver by heart . I have made more than 500 open source contributions and am currently a full stack web dev intern.

I also love competitive coding, and my love for problem-solving has helped me reach 3 stars (rating 1693 highest) on CodeChef.

I am familiar with web development and various technologies like Next, tailwind, node, PostGreSQL, GCS Firestore , AWS S3, Vercel, etc

Some of my projects include:

  • A web application which uses Canny Edge Detection model from OpenCV which automatically detects walls and fill them with the exact colors chosen by user and also features Text to image generation to visualize the ideas of users. User can a 3d model of your rooms and do modifications in colors and furniture.
  • An Online marketplace for Photographers to showcase and sell their work and/or get hired.


everyone is a photographer from insideFirebase, Flutter, Google Maps API, MERN stack, Google Cloud API

Smart Decor-housing design consultant

Every house needs to be beautifulReact, Flask, OpenCV, Python, Three.JS, YOLOv3 Algorithm, HTML/CSS

Elevating Education with Adaptive AI LearningFirebase, Next.js, Flask, Flutter, OpenAi, pyTesseract, Tailwind CSS, PyBKT, Benford

Learn Smarter, Not HarderFirebase, Flask, Python, Flutter, PyBKT Tailored Learning for Every Ability

Empowerment in Learning: Unlocking Potential !!HTML, React, Firebase, CSS, Flutter, PyBKT, ISL

Skill Sync

Sync your personalised learning to Successfull CareerFirebase, Next.js, Flask, TensorFlow, Python, Flutter, Deepfake, Dfid, lamma 2




  • Ensemble Inc - Full stack web developer intern
    January 2023 - March 2023

    Created and designed the companiesdeeecated news page to help content creators be updated with latest news in tech and media

  • Modernizing Processes - Fronten web developer
    June 2023 - July 2023

    Made a new product, a custom form maker ,withmore customisation and privacy features. Using Next js and Mongo db

  • Edsarrthi - Software developer
    August 2023 - Present

    Update and develop new helpful features for the companie's website.
    Design and develop software through web development, to help automate the companies internal work flow, and reduce manual admin work.Major stack consists Nextjs, firebase,Google app scripts, etc