
SeongEon Kim

Hello. My name is SeongEon Kim, realizing my dreams on the border between consciousness and unconsciousness.
I like active exercises like Cross-Fit or Weight Training, and I also like Running. At the same time, I like to talk while drinking hot tea or coffee, and I also have a hobby of looking inside through meditation. I think the value of WEB 3 will increase even more as the consciousness of all mankind grows. I applied for ETHSeoul to start the journey toward the future.



TomaaS is Real World Asset Lending Platform for shared mobility service - We tokenize Real World Asset by selling NFT and make all the transactions easy and fast. TomaaS is the next gen of MaaS.Solidity, Node.js, OpenZeppelin, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, React.js, Hardhat, alchemy, Subgraph


TomaaS is Real World Asset Lending Platform for shared mobility service - We tokenize Real World Asset by selling NFT and make all the transactions easy and fast. TomaaS is the next gen of MaaS.Solidity, Node.js, OpenZeppelin, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, React.js, Hardhat


Data Research