Myself Sayandip Paul,A full stack web developer is interested to make some more projects and want to grab amazing experiences and by doing this projects i want to learn more things than my knowledge and want to do beyond the scope.
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Most Well Regarded Healthcare Provider In India.PHP, JavaScript, PHPMailer, phpMyAdmin, CSS3, CSS Animation, Rapid API, Google Location services, HTML5MedTech
Here, we have created a project on medtech hospital.
We have tried to make all over things and to cover all the points which makes a hospital "all in one".JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5IRIS-Smart Educator.
We created the website IRIS, a smart educator web application and chatbot, with the fundamental purpose of providing relevant skills to anyone with any level of knowledge.jQuery, HTML, CSS,
Your One stop Solution for managing all kinds of notes on the cloudBootstrap, React, JS, MongoDB Atlas, mongoose, Express, NodeDROPLING
Dropling where chat meets revolution and music meets with chat sentiment...Node.js, Next.js, WebSockets, Postman, Socket.IO, Express.js, Nodemailer, Tailwind CSS, Handlebars.js, MongoDB CompassYour Virtual Paracetamol
Your Virtual Paracetamol - "Empowering Health through AI: Your Virtual Wellness Companion for Informed Care and Instant Medical Assistance."npm, WebSockets, Socket.IO, Multer, MongoDB Atlas, Tesseract OCR, Nodemailer, Handlebars.js, NLP, ReplitMED-AI
Med-AI: Your Health Ally! Instant consultations, prescription scanning, and mental health tracking,Seamlessly connect with doctors. Empowering healthcare through Generative-AI Chatbot innovation.npm, WebSockets, Socket.IO, Multer, MongoDB Atlas, Tesseract OCR, Nodemailer, Handlebars.js, Natural Language Processing, ReplitSkills
Html Css Javascript Bootstrap