
Satyam Kumar


Skill iconJava
Skill iconDjango
Skill iconC++
Skill iconAndroid Developement
Blockchain Development

Purnia, India

Skills : android app development, web development using Django, C++, java, python, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, git, selenium.
I have been working on android app development for more than an year. During this period I have worked on over 20 projects. Out of these 2 are major projects and others were meant to be practice for me. I have developed an android app for a college startup “ShopWala” and currently working on the android app for another college startup "Kapadh".
I have experience of working on Web Developement using Django (python) for over 8 months. I haveworked on two majoe projects using Django along with several other smaller websites for practice.
I have interest in competitive programming and have been participating in them for over 8 months.
All my projects are available on GITHUB. Link to my github account is https://github.com/skdbsp123